Dr. Kosta Kostov

General and thoracic surgery specialist

Dr. Kosta Kostov

Dr. Kosta Kostov graduated in medicine in 1992 at the Medical University - Varna and in the same calendar year he enrolled in a specialization in surgery at the Hospital AD HO - Targovishte. A few years later he defended his specialty in general surgery, and in 2009 he won a competition for clinical residency in thoracic surgery at the Hospital "St. Sofia" - Sofia. In 2012 he acquired a specialty in Thoracic Surgery. 

His career path at the University Hospital "St. Marina" - Pleven began in June, 2018. 

Areas of professional and scientific interests: oncological and non-oncological surgical diseases of the esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum, lung and chest wall, breast; diabetic foot; hiatal hernias and those of the anterior abdominal wall.